Worldwide Capitol Investments Group


Our intelligent, methodical approach is designed to put you on the road to genuine, lasting credit health. We have removed the needless complexity, increased the pace, and built a customer experience we believe you are going to love.

Pro Analysis

Worldwide Capitol Investment Group identifies even the most subtle disputes – to leverage every opportunity to raise your scores.

Faster & Custom Disputes​

We start fast and keep up the pace. Our rapid 35-day dispute cycle is ten days faster than most companies.

Credit Rebuilding

We provide the help you need to open new credit cards and manage them for optimal score benefit.

Score Assistance

When we review your credit report we will pinpoint specific actions you can take to optimize your scores.

Business and Corporate Credit

Starting a business requires capital. An established enterprise also requires cash in hand for expansion purposes.

A Clear Promise

Get started with confidence. Our service is backed by a condition-free 90-day Refund Policy.

“Most people can raise their credit scores by 50-100 points or more by following our program. Take the first step today!”